Victory Christian Fellowship Church


about our CHURCH

The Victory Christian Fellowship Church was launched in 2016 and is a ‘come-as-you-are’ kind of church based in Carterton, Oxfordshire. We are a community of imperfect people, going through life together and striving to become all that God promised we could be. At this church, we don’t care who you voted for, what your postcode is, what your tax bracket is or even if you don’t really have a relationship with God yet. If you walk in and you don’t know Jesus, that’s okay because, by the time you leave, you’ll understand that He knows you and that’s the starting point. You see, whether you’ve had a relationship with God your whole life or you’re not even sure He exists, we are willing to meet you as you are, with all your questions and doubts and fears because He’s already here; waiting to address them, waiting for you.

CHARISMATIC evangelists

Victory Christian Fellowship Church is a church with a heart for all people from all walks of life. Our mission is to love, learn, engage and serve together. We are here to love God. To learn His ways, serve His purposes and share His message with with all people. For once we were broken, but He loved our whole hearts through. We are a family whose goal is to celebrate God and champion His people. We’d love for you to come and worship with us and become apart of our growing congregational family. We are excited to see you here! Loving, learning, serving and sharing in our daily tasks as a community and a church.

OUR community

Victory Christian Fellowship is more than a church; we throw ourselves into supporting our local community. Every month we hold a soup lunch for the senior citizens of Carterton, and we established Carterton Community Food Bank right in the heart of our town.

For more information on the work of the food bank, click here


TIME: 11:00am – 1:00pm

LOCATION: Carterton Town Hall, 19 Alvescot Road, Carterton. OX18 3JL

CONTACT: 01993 844362

How you can contribute

feed families, sustain children and build schools

Your donations aid our pastors with their most basic needs for daily living as they devote themselves to building schools, educating the under privileged, feeding hungry families, ministering to the lost and risking their lives to do God's work.